Timebuster / Time Cruisers Resource


Looking back in TIME....

Welcome! This webpage aims to be a useful resource on Timebuster, a comic about the lego Time Cruisers theme from before the Time Cruisers theme. These are the adventures of
Max Tim, a child who accidentally activates a time machine and experiences many playsets and toys.

Tim's adventures are something of a rosetta stone for 90s lego playthemes, pulling them all together into a single world. With the added novelty of depicting their characters in a mid-century western animation style that liberates them from their original square plastic bodies. The comic was written and drawn by Kim Hagen Jensen, who got his start as a part of the Don Bluth cohort.

Below you can read the full run of the comic 1995 - 2001 in English. Issues from 1995 to 1998 have been translated by me using deepl or google's translate tool. 1998 Aquazone onward are scans by Phyoorhii of the official English localization from the Australian imprint of the lego magazine. For context on this and much more, I've also made a page that explains the weird history of this ad campaign that became a comic that became a full playtheme.

Please be aware, the comic has some pretty rancid racial stereotypes in some sections. These are all telegraphed before you reach them, with a link to skip past if desired.

Cartoon art of Dr. Cyber, Tim, and Ingo the monkey standing by a stationary time machine in a lab.

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